

纽约州纽约市——西非的埃博拉病例数连续第二周增加,来自未知感染源的病例数突显了在发现和消除每条传播链方面仍面临的挑战,根据世界卫生组织 (WHO)。

联合国埃博拉应急特派团(UNMEER)今天报告说,“8 月 XNUMX 日,塞拉利昂确认了 XNUMX 例新的埃博拉病例,这是数周以来单日最高的病例数。”


联合国秘书长潘基文在其报告中写道:“我将于 10 年 2015 月 XNUMX 日召开的国际埃博拉恢复会议将是国际社会展示其对受影响国家实现零埃博拉病毒的持续共同承诺的机会。并留在那里。”

在最新的埃博拉更新中,世卫组织报告说,“最近几周,病例发病率的下降和受埃博拉病毒病(EVD)传播影响的地理区域的收缩在整个 XNUMX 月和 XNUMX 月初明显停滞。”

最新消息称,截至 31 月 7 日的一周报告了 16 例确诊的埃博拉病例:几内亚 15 例,塞拉利昂 XNUMX 例,使其“病例发生率连续第二周增加,也是塞拉利昂每周报告病例总数最高的一次从三月底开始。”

“此外,”它说,“几内亚和塞拉利昂不断扩大的地理区域报告了病例,而未知感染源引起的病例的持续发生凸显了在寻找和消除每条传播链方面仍然面临的挑战。 ”


迄今为止,埃博拉疫情已影响超过 25,000 人,主要在几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂,超过 11,000 人死亡。


  • The UN mission also drew attention to the latest progress report in the response to the Ebola outbreak at the 210-day mark since the establishment of UNMEER, which warned that “the outbreak is not over and the response efforts must be sustained until we get to zero cases throughout the region and are able to stay at zero for several months.
  • “In addition,” it said, “cases were reported from a widening geographical area in Guinea and Sierra Leone, and the continued occurrence of cases that arise from unknown sources of infection highlights the challenges still faced in finding and eliminating every chain of transmission.
  • In his report, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon wrote that “the International Ebola Recovery Conference that I will convene on 10 July 2015 will be an opportunity for the international community to demonstrate its continued shared commitment to the affected countries to get to zero and to stay there.




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