

上周五早上,渡轮服务严重减少,再次导致从蒙巴萨南海岸出发的游客迟到,无法乘飞机,并使通勤者上班挣扎。 反过来,到达的游客在到达南海岸的酒店之前要花费数小时,这再次促使公众和旅游代表呼吁政府对渡轮管理采取果断行动,以应对频繁的服务中断和业务带来的不便,工人,学生,学生和游客。

蒙巴萨的消息来源也向这名记者证实,轮渡公司的三名高级官员,包括其首席执行官,显然因用于支付目前在德国船坞即将完工的新渡轮的资金挪用而被解雇。 消息人士称,这些消息不可能很快出现,因为公众还要求这些官员对服务的频繁中断负责。 消息来源补充说:“解雇他们是一个良好的开端,但如果损失了这笔钱,也应予以起诉。”

预计这两条新渡轮将在XNUMX月底到达蒙巴萨,然后将在不久后投入使用。 收到的补充信息还涉及计划在Likoni航道两边的现有两个斜道上增加另一个坡道,以改善基础设施并在高峰时段允许最多三艘渡轮降落,尽管这项工作由于摆渡道的位置而定甚至可能需要一些时间才能开始额外的道路通行限制。


  • Added information received also speaks about plans to add another ramp to the existing two on each side of the Likoni channel to improve infrastructure and permit up to three ferries to land during the rush hour, although such work, due to the location of the ferry ramps and the limitations for extra road access may take some time before work can even start.
  • In turn, arriving tourists took hours on end before they reached their hotels at the south coast, once again prompting the general public and tourism representatives to call upon government to take decisive action with the ferry management over the frequent service disruptions and inconvenience cause to business, workers, pupils, students, and tourists.
  • It was also confirmed to this correspondent by a source from Mombasa, that three top officials of the ferry company, including their CEO, were apparently fired over the diversion of funds meant to pay for new ferries presently nearing completion in a German dock yard.




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