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自内阁将近一年前做出决定以来,乌干达政府已对旅游代理机构的合并进行了大幅度的转变。 受影响的旅游机构包括乌干达野生动物教育中心(UWEC), 乌干达旅游局 (UTB), 乌干达野生动物管理局和乌干达岛黑猩猩保护区,这两个区将合并为旅游,野生动物和古物部的专门部门。

拟议中的合并旨在重新调整各机构的职能,防止职能重复和浪费公共资金,但在公共服务部长威尔逊·穆里·穆卡萨阁下担任主席的情况下,其合并方案一无所获。那是:“其中一些机构是根据《国会法案》建立的。 要废弃它们,您需要回到议会并废除法律。 其他人则积累了债务。 您不能只是报废(不偿还债务)。 那些将被解雇的人需要得到报酬。 如果您不付钱,他们会把您告上法庭。 因此内阁仍在研究此事。 完成后,它将提供一份报告。”


此外,在去年做出决定之前不久,乌干达旅游局刚刚对其全体管理层和员工进行了大规模重组,这预示着由莉莉·阿雅洛娃(Lily Ajarova)领导的新团队的成立。 对于打算在未来三年内退出的代理机构来说,这没有任何意义。 我们等待内阁报告就不足为奇了。


  • The proposed merger which was meant to realign the functions of agencies and prevent duplication of roles and waste of public funds, fell flat on its face after Public Service Minister Honorable Wilson Muruli Mukasa, under whose docket the responsibility falls, flatly admitted in a press statement that.
  • A related ETN article published on 13th September 2018, headlined ‘Uganda Tourism agencies absorbed by parent Ministry in major restructuring', accurately predicted “dead on target' that government would come full circle on their decision premised on their previous habit, precisely in 2001 when a similar decision was made only for government to rescind later.
  • The affected tourism agencies included the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre (UWEC), Uganda Tourism Board (UTB), Uganda Wildlife Authority, and Uganda Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, which were to be merged in specialized departments under the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities.


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Tony Ofungi-eTN乌干达
