
HALEIWA, Hawaii, USA; BRUSSELS, Belgium; VICTORIA, Seychelles – The International Council of Tourism Partners (ICTP) announced that the Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau of Arizona, has jo

HALEIWA, Hawaii, USA; BRUSSELS, Belgium; VICTORIA, Seychelles – The International Council of Tourism Partners (ICTP) announced that the Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau of Arizona, has joined as a destination member from the USA.

The core industry and economic generator in Sedona is tourism. Tourism has dynamic direct and indirect effects on each and every business and person in Sedona. The Sedona Chamber’s Tourism Bureau has been the leading marketing organization responsible for generating overnight visitation to enhance the vitality of its economy. Its Visitors Center serves more than 400,000 visitors per year.

Often called “Red Rock Country” Sedona is a four seasons playground for visitors – whether you’re into history and archaeology; arts and culture; shopping; outdoor sports; or the spiritual and metaphysical, imagine doing all this in a backdrop of some of the most spectacular scenery in the world.

The collection of Sedona’s impressive, natural endowments includes the 1.8 million-acre Coconino National Forest, which surrounds the city and encompasses 7 intriguing wilderness areas. Obviously, the list of Sedona sightseeing and Sedona recreational amenities, including state parks and national monuments, is extensive.

Along with its myriad geological features, many tourists relate Sedona’s exceptional charm to the fact that they can conveniently spend a day hiking, horseback riding, touring, or bouncing in a Jeep on trails and dirt roads that crisscross this area, and then enjoy the comfort of deluxe Sedona hotels, country inns, and prestigious resorts at night. Indeed, the paradox and enchantment of Sedona are the luxurious hotels, motels and resorts, bed & breakfast establishments, unique shops, impressive art galleries, performing arts, and fine restaurants all nestled in a rugged canyon surrounded by national forest.

“The Sedona Chamber of Commerce has been the voice of business for the Sedona area for over 50 years,” said Juergen T. Steinmetz, ICTP Chairman, “The chamber encourages businesses to employ green business practices, knowing there is a direct connection between quality green growth and the quality of life. We are pleased to have Sedona join ICTP.”

For more information, go to http://sedonachamber.com/ .


国际旅游合作伙伴理事会 (ICTP) 是一个由全球目的地组成的草根旅游联盟,致力于提供优质服务和绿色增长。 ICTP 标志代表了许多致力于海洋(蓝色)和陆地(绿色)可持续发展的小社区(线条)的协作(块)力量。 ICTP 让社区及其利益相关者分享优质和绿色机会,包括工具和资源、获得资金、教育和营销支持。 ICTP 提倡可持续的航空增长、简化旅行手续和公平连贯的税收。 ICTP 支持联合国千年发展目标、联合国世界旅游组织的全球旅游业道德守则以及支持这些目标的一系列计划。 ICTP联盟代表于 Haleiwa,夏威夷,美国; 布鲁塞尔,比利时; 印度尼西亚巴厘岛; 和维多利亚,塞舌尔。

国际理论物理中心在安圭拉有成员; 阿鲁巴岛孟加拉国; 比利时,伯利兹; 巴西; 加拿大; 加勒比中国; 克罗地亚; 冈比亚; 德国; 加纳; 希腊; 格林纳达; 印度; 印度尼西亚; 伊朗韩国(南部); 留尼汪岛(法国印度洋); 马来西亚; 马拉维; 毛里求斯; 墨西哥; 摩洛哥尼加拉瓜尼日利亚; 北马里亚纳群岛(美国太平洋岛领土); 阿曼苏丹国; 巴基斯坦; 巴勒斯坦; 菲律宾; 卢旺达塞舌尔; 塞拉利昂; 南非; 斯里兰卡; 苏丹; 塔吉克斯坦; 坦桑尼亚; 特立尼达和多巴哥; 也门赞比亚津巴布韦并且来自美国:亚利桑那州,加利福尼亚州,佛罗里达州,乔治亚州,夏威夷州,缅因州,密苏里州,犹他州,弗吉尼亚州和华盛顿州。

伙伴协会包括: 非洲公约局; 达拉斯/沃斯堡非洲商会; 非洲旅游协会; 精品与生活方式住宿协会; 加勒比旅游组织; Countrystyle社区旅游网络/村庄作为企业; 文化与环境保护协会; DC-Cam(柬埔寨); 欧洲大会; 夏威夷旅游协会; 国际德尔菲理事会(IDC); 国际航空与发展基金会,加拿大蒙特利尔; 国际旅游和平研究所(IIPT); 国际电子旅游业组织(IOETI),意大利; 积极影响事件,曼彻斯特,英国; RETOSA:安哥拉 - 博茨瓦纳 - 刚果民主共和国 - 莱索托 - 马达加斯加 - 马拉维 - 毛里求斯 - 莫桑比克 - 纳米比亚 - 南非 - 斯威士兰 - 坦桑尼亚 - 赞比亚 - 津巴布韦; 航线,SKAL 国际; 无障碍旅行与款待协会(SATH); 国际可持续旅游(STI); 区域倡议,巴基斯坦; 旅游合作公司; vzw Reis-en Opleidingscentrum,比利时根特; WATA 世界旅行社协会,瑞士; 以及大学和教育机构的合作伙伴。





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