
美国酒店住宿协会 (AHLA) 今天宣布了其领导团队的三项晋升。

美国酒店住宿协会 (AHLA) 今天宣布了其领导团队的三项晋升。 

Kiersten Pearce 晋升为执行和战略计划高级副总裁。 在她的新角色中,Pearce 将塑造和发展关键的行业计划,并确保与 AHLA 的战略计划和组织优先事项保持一致和执行。 她还将监督 AHLA 董事会、执行委员会和相关委员会的协调,以及包括法律在内的关键运营职能。 Kiersten 于 2018 年加入 AHLA,此前曾担任 AHLA 的会员参与与服务副总裁,她在将 AHLA 的会员人数增加到创纪录水平并实现持续强劲的满意度方面发挥了重要作用。

Adrienne Weil 晋升为高级副总裁,负责会员参与和服务。 在她的新角色中,Weil 将领导 AHLA 的会员团队,带头优化 AHLA 的委员会和网络,并确保 AHLA 的差异化价值主张随着会员需求的发展而保持相关性。 此前,Adrienne 曾担任 AHLA 的战略合作伙伴关系和业务发展副总裁,并领导努力大幅加速来自行业服务提供商和供应商的“非应付”收入增长。

Kara Filer 晋升为高级副总裁,负责战略合作伙伴关系和业务发展。 在她的新角色中,Filer 将优化和扩大 AHLA 联盟成员公司的赞助和活动收入,调整 AHLA 与美国酒店及住宿基金会 (AHLAF) 之间的销售和关系战略,她将继续担任领导团队的重要成员和继续推动基金会的筹款工作。 她之前曾担任 AHLAF 的捐助者关系和发展副总裁,并通过推出新活动、与酒店和供应商接洽以及获得赠款等方式策划了旨在加速整体收入增长的举措。

The promotions announced today are part of a steadily growing AHLA team that has played an increasingly critical role on behalf of the hotel industry, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. In the last two years, AHLA has grown from 44 to 65 employees, as the organization continues to serve as the singular voice of America’s hotels and remains deeply engaged in policy issues affecting hoteliers at all levels of government.  

“I am proud to announce these well-deserved promotions,” said AHLA President & CEO Chip Rogers. “Kiersten, Adrienne and Kara have been instrumental to AHLA’s success over the last several years, and in their new roles they are even better situated to deliver ROI for our growing roster of members and keep the hotel industry moving forward.” 

About AHLA

The American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) is the largest hotel association in America representing more than 30,000 members from all segments of the industry nationwide – including iconic global brands, 80% of all franchised hotels and the 16 largest hotel companies in the U.S. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., AHLA focuses on strategic advocacy, communications support and workforce development programs to move the industry forward. Learn more at www.ahla.com.



迪米特罗·马卡罗夫(Dmytro Makarov)

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