Frontier Airlines 表彰 Sandals Resorts 创始人 Gordon “Butch” Stewart

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Sandals Resorts International 创始人、已故的 Gordon “Butch” Stewart 被 Frontier Airlines 授予一架新飞机的荣誉称号。

将新飞机命名为“Stewart the Red-Billed Streamertail”

Frontier Airlines 引用他为加强和促进牙买加旅游业所做的工作,将机尾命名为“Stewart the Red-Billed Streamertail”,以纪念斯图尔特,并将牙买加的国鸟红嘴飘带(当地称为医生鸟)融入 Frontier 的签名飞机尾翼计划。

Frontier Airlines 总裁兼首席执行官 Barry Biffle 昨天在 Sandals Montego Bay 举行的仪式上揭开了新设计的面纱。 该飞机将于 2023 年交付。

“与世界分享牙买加是 我父亲的快乐 我们对 Frontier 舰队引进“红嘴飘带斯图尔特”感到无比自豪。 我知道我父亲会为我们的牙买加医生鸟再次飞翔而感到自豪,”执行主席亚当斯图尔特说。 凉鞋国际度假村. “谢谢你,Frontier——我们很荣幸你选择以这种非凡的方式向他致敬。 他的传奇精神现在将继续在他心爱的牙买加上空翱翔。”


自 1981 年进入该行业以来,戈登“布奇”斯图尔特一直是牙买加旅游业的有力支持者,在他的领导下,当时牙买加的旅游业重振旗鼓,赢得了同行的尊重和同胞的钦佩。 He was elected President of the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica in 1989 and was inducted in its “Hall of Fame” in 1995. He served as a Director of the Jamaica Tourist Board for a decade and as President of the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association in 80 年代中期,巧妙地平衡了政府和私营部门的优先事项,调和了牙买加大酒店和小酒店的顾虑,并提高了公众对旅游业的了解。 1994 年,斯图尔特了解持续提升他的岛屿目的地的迫切需求,因此带领一群投资者接管了加勒比地区最大的地区性航空公司牙买加航空公司。


  • He served as a Director of the Jamaica Tourist Board for a decade and as President of the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association in the mid-80s, ably balanced government and private sector priorities, reconciled the concerns of large and small Jamaican hotels and raised public understanding of the tourism industry.
  • A fierce champion of tourism to Jamaica since entering the industry in 1981, Gordon “Butch” Stewart's leadership helped resurrect Jamaica's travel industry at the time, earning him the respect of his peers and the admiration of his countrymen.
  • Citing his work to strengthen and foster tourism in Jamaica, Frontier Airlines will name the plane tail “Stewart the Red-Billed Streamertail,” honoring Stewart and incorporating Jamaica's national bird, the red-billed streamertail – locally known as the doctor bird, to Frontier's signature plane tails program.



Linda Hohnholz,eTN编辑

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