

BERLIN, Germany – Asia continues to be the driving force in global tourism. According to the latest ITB World Travel Trends Report, this year the number of outbound trips from Asia rose by seven percent, due in part to rising wages. Yet again, the most frequent travelers came from China and Japan, both countries reporting double-digit growth in outbound travel.

在今年的前六个月中,来自中国的出境旅行数量增长了20%。 日本已从去年海啸后的市场崩盘中恢复过来,9 年前 2012 个月实现了 13.7% 的增长。 来自韩国的出境游增长了 6.7%,而南亚和东南亚的大多数市场失去了动力。 因此,印度,泰国,马来西亚和新加坡的增长率不到5%。 今年,只有印度尼西亚和菲律宾的增长率将超过 10%。 这些是 ITB 世界旅游趋势报告的调查结果,该报告由 IPK International 编制并受 ITB Berlin 委托。

Five years ago, Messe Berlin launched ITB Asia in Singapore, which since then has established itself as one of the largest trade shows for the Asian travel industry. This is where, every year in October, industry buyers, suppliers, service providers, and sellers gather to make use of networking and business opportunities and to find out about new trends at the convention’s supporting events.


大多数亚洲市场的前景是乐观的,因此有充分的理由对明年的旅游业持乐观态度。 只有三分之一的亚洲人表示全球金融危机会影响他们的旅行计划,而三分之二的人表示完全没有影响。 同比数据显示,亚洲略有复苏。 去年,36% 的人表示经济衰退会影响他们的旅行计划。 今年,这个数字下降了 4%。 明年,29% 的亚洲人打算比 2013 年多去旅行,而只有 16% 的人打算减少旅行。 略高于 50% 的人表示他们会进行相同数量的旅行。 因此,ITB 世界旅游趋势报告预测亚洲出境旅游将增长 6%。


在旅游业方面,日本已基本从去年海啸的影响中恢复过来,并在今年上半年录得强劲增长。 不过,自从与中国发生岛屿争端的消息传出后,势头有所减弱。 尽管如此,日本人仍然对他们 2013 年的旅行计划持乐观态度。只有 28% 的人表示金融危机会影响他们明年的旅行决定,而 33 年的这一比例为 2012%。2013% 的人预计 54 年的旅行会更多,而 2013%目标是进行相同数量的旅行。 总体而言,3 年日本的出境旅游预计将增长 XNUMX% 左右。


China has also shown itself to be one of Asia’s strongest markets and its citizens’ travel intentions bear this out. Thirty-eight percent (4 percent more than in 2012) plan to travel more next year. Forty-nine percent said they would undertake the same amount of trips. As a result, outbound travel from China is forecast to grow by 12 percent.

By contrast, South Korean travel demand appeared to tail off slightly, due in part to declining confidence in purchasing power. Thus, many South Koreans prefer cheaper holidays in Southeast Asia. A similar trend has emerged in Taiwan. By contrast, the economic situation in Hong Kong remains stable, with travelers increasingly discovering new destinations or repeatedly visiting the same ones in their region.

Dr. Martin Buck, Director of the Competence Center Travel & Logistics at Messe Berlin: “Over the coming years Asia will continue to be one of the main forces driving international tourism. Despite the economic uncertainty threatening major markets such as China and other countries in Northeast Asia, travelers from those countries will play an important role in global tourism.”

由咨询公司 IPK International 发起并由柏林 ITB 赞助,每年在比萨举行的世界旅游监测论坛上,来自世界各地的旅游专家和科学家都会展示当前的统计数据和国际旅游的最新趋势。

研究的详细信息将在 ITB 世界旅行趋势报告中提供,该报告将于 50 月初在 上发布。 该报告基于来自 30 个国家的约 60 位旅游专家的评估、在主要客源市场进行的特别 IPK International 趋势分析以及 World Travel Monitor® 提供的核心数据,该数据被公认为对全球旅游的最大连续调查约 8 个来源国的趋势。 调查结果反映了 2012 年前 2013 个月出现的趋势。在柏林 ITB 大会上,IPK International 首席执行官 Rolf Freitag 将介绍全年的调查结果以及 XNUMX 年的最新预测。


  • 由咨询公司 IPK International 发起并由柏林 ITB 赞助,每年在比萨举行的世界旅游监测论坛上,来自世界各地的旅游专家和科学家都会展示当前的统计数据和国际旅游的最新趋势。
  • According to the latest ITB World Travel Trends Report, this year the number of outbound trips from Asia rose by seven percent, due in part to rising wages.
  • This is where, every year in October, industry buyers, suppliers, service providers, and sellers gather to make use of networking and business opportunities and to find out about new trends at the convention's supporting events.




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