


加利福尼亚州亨廷顿海滩——自然资源保护委员会对美国最干净和最脏的海滩和湖泊的年度评估于上周发布。 亨廷顿海滩营销和旅游局感到自豪的是,冲浪城的三个海滩中的两个被列入加州最干净海滩前三名,并在全国最干净海滩的十二个位置中占据了两个位置。

亨廷顿海滩的两个州立海滩,Bolsa Chica州立海滩和亨廷顿州立海滩,是获得NRDC五星级评级的三个加利福尼亚州海滩中的两个。

“我们很高兴获得亨廷顿海滩的这种认可。 我们都知道我们的海滩是加利福尼亚最干净的海滩,因此在全国范围内进行验证非常令人满意。 我们的五星级州立海滩环绕着亨廷顿市海滩,该海滩拥有NRDC四星级评级。” 亨廷顿比奇市场和游客局总裁兼首席执行官史蒂夫·波恩说:“我们必须感谢亨廷顿比奇市以及所有全年组织各种海滩清洁工作的非营利组织,例如Surfrider,他们这样做是为了让我们的海滩保持美丽。”



  • The Huntington Beach Marketing and Visitors Bureau is proud that two of Surf City's three beaches were included in the top three cleanest beaches in California and claimed two of the twelve spaces for cleanest beaches in the nation.
  • CEO at the Huntington Beach Marketing and Visitors Bureau “We have to thank the City of Huntington Beach, as well as all of the non-profit organizations that organize various beach cleanups throughout the year, like Surfrider, for all they do to keep our beaches beautiful.
  • NRDC's five-star beaches and lakes were for violating health standards less than 5% of the time and for following such “best practices” as testing more than once a week and posting advisories online as well as at the beach.



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