Livist Resorts Group在泰国推出首家Petchabun豪华设计师精品度假村

D Living Properties Co.,Ltd.旗下的Livist Resorts Group揭露了其首个物业Livist Design Resort Pechabun,这是首个五星级豪华城市设计精品度假胜地,计划在泰国北部雾市Petchabun开业,计划于5年2019月试营业。

根据Patchara Wongboonsin先生(俗称坤乔)的说法,Livist Design Resort定义了Petchabun的心脏,即Khao Kho山。 Khao是山,而Kho是Livistona树。 他说,我们称这个度假胜地为Livist,因为我们的品牌也是Petchabun Province心脏地带的一部分。 即使站点位于Petchabun市区,我们也可以清楚地看到Khao Kho和呵叻高原(Khon Kaen)山脉的180度全景。

该物业采用水保护和循环利用计划来限制碳足迹,对环境友好。 度假村独特性的很大一部分是其旨在以完全“绿色”方式运营的目标。 从酒店的通勤到食品和饮料的运输再到每位客人使用的能源,酒店消耗的能源总量将被跟踪以计算其碳足迹。 Azuan说:“除了环保,我们的目标是帮助我们的客人沉浸在Petchabun的经历中。”



  • Even though the site is located in the city area of Petchabun, we can see the 180 degrees view of the sierra of Khao Kho and Korat Plateau (Khon Kaen) clearly.
  • Revealed its first property Livist Design Resort Pechabun, the first 5-star luxury urban design boutique resort to be opened in Petchabun, City of the Mist, Northern Thailand scheduled for a soft opening by November 2019.
  • The total amount of energy the hotel consumes, from staff commutes to food and beverage delivery to the energy used by each guest, will be tracked to calculate its carbon footprint.




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