
Skal International 荣誉会员 Antonio Percario 先生在圣伯多禄广场的圣诞树和婴儿床落成典礼上与教皇弗朗切斯科会面并点亮了灯火。

The pine tree is traditionally donated to the Vatican City by different Italian mountain regions and/or from northern Europe where these trees grow luxuriantly and of considerable heights. Their transport involves special wheeled vehicles and their installation in the exhibition areas requires attention and skill.

The donators compete in supplying the pine tree to the Vatican or to the major Italian cities every year.

The 2022 tree was donated by the Municipality of Rosello in the Abruzzo region, while the nativity scene by the municipality of Sutrio in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region

Pope Francis said the tree teaches us the roots; the crib invites us to contemplation.

The nativity scene and the tree in St. Peter’s Square will stay on display until the end of the Christmas season, which coincides with the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Sunday 8 January 2023.

Antonio Percario, born in Rosello, seen in the picture with Alessio Monaco, Mayor of Rosello.

It was Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga and Sister Raffaella Petrini, respectively president and general secretary of the Governorate of Vatican City State, who inaugurated the nativity scene and lit up the Christmas tree.

For the artistic crib – made entirely of wood – the President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Massimiliano Fedriga, and the Mayor of Sutrio, Manlio Mattia were present.

At the lighting of the Christmas tree, also the bishop of Trivento, monsignor Claudio Palumbo, and the mayor of Rosello, Alessio Monaco.



Mario Masciullo-意大利eTN

自 1960 年 21 岁时,他开始探索日本、香港和泰国,他的经验遍及全球。
在过去的 20 年里,马里奥的旅行经历集中在东南亚,最近还包括印度次大陆。

16 年 1972 月两国政府分裂后,他在意大利组织了马来西亚新加坡航空公司的 kik,并在新加坡航空公司担任意大利销售/营销经理长达 XNUMX 年。

马里奥的官方记者执照是由“国家记者协会罗马,意大利于 1977 年颁发的。

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